I am really energized, but what else is new.
I just came from such a great meeting with the Assistant Director of Community Relations at Temple. It was awesome! We shared so many great ideas for getting Temple Students engaged in the community. So, Monica oversees everything community service at Temple including their volunteer student organizationl, the community service living learning community, their spring break immersion trips, the habitiat for humanity club and other projects for students to get involved in the community.
We shared so many exciting ideas for colloboration this year and I really am looking forward to it. We even talked about doing a spring break immersion trip for student volunteers focused on learning about issues in North Philadelphia. I'm so excited. She also gave me great tips on how to engage students in service who may not be initially interested. We also signed up for the volunteer fair next week. Yeeaaahhh.!
So I was pumped and decided to stop at Dunkin Donuts to pick up an iced coffee. When I'm really excited sometimes my energy overstimulates me and coffee helps me regain focus. I can't explain it, it just does. So guess who I ran into...Ainsley. Friend of the family and current Dean of Students at Temple. He was also there with their Associate Dean Amy. It was really fun running into both of them and he talked about meeting as well so they could learn more about the program. I was too excited to remember anything coherent that I said but I'm sure it made sense.
I really love my job. The night before I return back to the work week is always the most energized because I get all these ideas and I can't wait to come into the office and implement them.
So off to work!
And Now?
14 years ago
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