Last night I felt very sick.
That/ this stubborn headache got really bad, I had a ferocious fever and my body was slapped with all sorts of random aches and pains. I had to go to the bank to activate my new card and the walk did me some good. While I was at the bank I met this woman who stopped my initially to tell me that I looked to young to have a bank account. That led to a really interesting discussion. After I told her I was an AmeriCorp member in North Philadelphia we started discussing the area and service in general. And then she said: 'you know I read this in the Bible this morning' and she quoted John 12:8 where Jesus says "For the poor you have with you always, but Me you do not have always." She then proceeded to tell me that what I was doing was much like Jesus's work here on Earth and then she whispered to herself 'that's exactly what I needed.' It wasn an interesting moment and I have actually been having some inner spiritual tug of wars. That passage was actually not what I think I need because it just confuses me more. But alas...
So I went home and tried to rest but really just rolled around a lot and sweated.
I woke up this morning at 9:00am on the dot. Late for work.
I just kept calm and got ready. It's actually a pretty morning. The sky is darkened to a light charcoal with these huge swirling storm clouds. It just finished raining and the large tree outside our window is now a glistening display of bright green leafy speckles. I love it.
I'm not in a working mood. I've been reading e-mails all morning and random articles. I even took an impromptu Myers Briggs online which probably isn't very accurate or legit but I didn't get an ENFJ. Rather I came up as an ENFP although it noted that I was a slight percieving and slight extraversion and moderate intuition and feeling.
But I really like the descriptions which you can read here and here
I guess I should do something productive, like help someone find a job or finish our designing our three upcoming volunteer trainings.
And Now?
14 years ago
1 comment:
I hope you're feeling better Ashley! By the way, I'm putting a link to your blog on my blog... hope you don't mind.. you don't really have a choice! :) Good luck with everything and keep the good posts coming.
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