my family has a website that launched today. It's pretty cool. On the home page my mom is the second one from the right. The short one with the bow in her hair.
I walked home today and I really enjoyed it, it took about an hour and thirty minutes but granted I stopped at a a few places to check them out and I took a detour in Penn's bookstore which is the largest unnecessary thing I've ever seen.
So I read this book, automatic millionaire, and I can't seem to think the same way. It's kinda frustrating but I guess in a good way. Like there's this lady that always eats in the lunchroom at the same time we do and she always gets an ice tea and everytime I see her I think of how that drink, mulitiplied over a week, and then a year could be invested.
And it's like with everything. Like it cost me 1.30 to take the subway to work each way. Now I didn't think that was bad. But then my brain started calculating and a week worth of tokens is over $14 and a month is like over $50 and that is just if I go back and forth to work. I mean it doesn't seem like a lot of money but when you break down my salary I make about 390 each paycheck after taxes. My rent is like 375 and so my first paycheck is pretty much gone and then my next paycheck I have gas, electricity, credit card and food.
I know I will be able to manage, I don't want any outside help but that I means I should cut where I can, which is why I walked. I choose some safe roads and I feel more connected to the city. I see people and places and I feel really good.
For the most part things will be fine.
Alex and Shawn both bike to work which I would love to do but I get really freaked out by cars and the road so I think I'll just stik to my walking.
So that was my day, some things excluded.
Oh and so the ethiopian restaurant/coffee shop that I mentioned earlier was buzzing when I got home today. Lemmings.
They were playing live music and since we share a wall, my apartment was playing live music. But it's all good.
Song: Too Late to learn by Amanda Droste
Quote: Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. Think only of the best, work only for the best and expect only the best. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. Live in the faith that the whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in you! Christian D. Larson
And Now?
14 years ago
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