I can't believe it's already ten. The days move by so fast.
It was sloooooow in the office today. As you can tell by this being my second entry.
I was actually looking forward to getting out of there because there was a talk at the library that I've been waiting for. Don Russell writes a weekly column on beer for the Philadelhia Daily News and he just recently wrote a book "Joe Sixpack's Philly Beer Guide: A Reporter's Notes on the Best Beer Drinking City in America." It was really good and it was a much needed addition to my day. His talk made me appreciate this city even more with all of its wonderful charm.
Also, I love hearing other people's stories about what they love and how they impact the world through their passions. If you have the opportunity to enjoy the life you've been given rather than barely getting by, you are blessed.
Doing what I do, even for the few weeks I've been doing it, can easily harden my heart. I constantly have to find ways to get out of myself, enjoy life without the sting of guilt and make the most of the opportunities I've been given. It brings me back to my self.
I've been really good money wise but every once a while I have to give myself a treat. I have been craving fresh vegetables and fruits. They don't sell either at Aldi's and I've been getting home to late for the produce truck. And before my paycheck on Monday I couldn't afford any anywhere else. Well I went into starbucks to wait for the talk to begin and read and just my luck they were giving away free samples of some fruit drink they sell. Oh the bananas and mangoes ( I think, def. bananas in there) it was so good. Across the street is a Whole Food that sells local vegetables. I went over to their buffet and just gathered a small assortment of vegetables and little pieces of tofu and stuff. I tried to keep under 5 bux and I did. It was soo good. I love asparagus and it was so refreshing to bite into a piece of cool asparagus. I still have all the tastes on my tongue. It's wonderful when you can eat something that causes an explosion of flavors and last with you until the night.
Tomorrow we have two members of the National Staff coming to the office. They'll actually be heading to the West Philly office to meet with some potential donors from Wachovia. Our sites in Philadelphia are getting a 15, ooo grant from them! So I'll have to wear something nice, and I'll probably take the subway so I don't overwhelm everyone with my sweaty 4 mile must.
It was wonderful, today I came home and it really felt like that, home. It was familiar and nice and I was really thankful for it all.
I'm so tired!
And Now?
14 years ago
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