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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I need a lift

I'm trying to help a client find a job who hasn't worked in 20 years. In any circumstance finding a job for him would be hard. But now.... I honestly believe he could find great work. He is very intelligent. I would hire him. But it's the out there that worries me.

A client came in today in such despair. "It's so hard out there." I let him know that we are behind him and he replied with "that's why I come here. I need a lift."

Do you ever look at things and wish they weren't this way. But the deep longing in our hearts must be a sign that a better world is possible? We all deserve something better. Than this.

Looking at the world from a bottom of a well by Mike Doughty

1 comment:

E A Gamor said...

Life's challenges have always compelled me to desperation more often than not.
Former UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan's, quote is usually a source of inspiration: "The world is at a critical juncture, and so are you....Go ahead and make your plans... and don't stop learning. But be open to the detours that lead to new discoveries."