There never seems to be enough hours in the day...
Today was pretty exciting. We met with Mike Szekely who is the Director of the center for internships and career development at Temple. He has been a strong supporter and collaborater with our NSP office. The meeting was really informative. He connects students in the Liberal Arts and Sciences program with internships, career exploration and community based learning opportunities in the community. He had a lot of great connections and advice. He is working with us to set up an info session and connect us with other people on the Temple Campus.
One of the popular programs on Temple's campus is the Leadership Challenge, which is overseen by the Dean of Students office. Oh and guess what..
So a friend of my families who I've mentioned in previous posts, Ainsley, is the Dean of Students at Temple. He just invited me to go to New York with him, his wife and his staff. I'm so excited!!! He said they were a fun group of people so it should be a great trip. A weekend with a DSO staff, well some things just never change...
Shawn and I spent a lot of time trying to hash out a concrete volunteer recruitment plan. I like to have really strong details and plan, I hope I'm not stressing Shawn out with this. We're also in the works to plan an overnight retreat for the Pennsylvania region which includes our office, West Philly and Pittsburgh.
It's a little to hard to get a specific date because we still don't know when our weekend of strategic planning is taking place and when we will specifically be having our overnight retreat but we've got some things designed.
In exciting news, one of our Summer directors Eric brought in a gallon of water ice! Water ice or wudder ice, as it is pronounced by native Philadelphians, is a Philadelphia favorite. It was sooooo good!!
I will be out of the office yet again tomorrow because I have benefit bank training. Benefit Bank training will teach me how to sign up people for benefits like food stamps or other assistance and how to file taxes and get people their stimulus payments. Yeah! It's nine to five, ehhh.
I then have my first night of training at Lush!
I'm already excited about getting back into the office on Friday because I have so much work to do, it's a real struggle to not bring things home but I have so much to learn.
I'm currently shacked up in my neighborhood Green Line, a chain of coffee shops in West Philadelphia. I had a great dinner and I'm looking forward to getting a good's night rest.
Until tomorrow, ciao!!
Song: The heart of the matter by Don Henley
Quote: When God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work -- this is a gift of God.
Ecclesiastes 5:19
And Now?
14 years ago
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