There are moments when I realize "I'm so scared of getting older, I'm only good at being young" to take from a famous John Mayer song.
When I arrived in Philadelphia and got off the plane I realized that I don't have a return ticket, this is it, this is home. And still there are moments everyday when the finality of this, the reality of this hits me. Some of those moments have been good and fun, others have made me stop and reflect. There are a lot of times when I feel so small compared to the responsibility given to me in this job. Yet there are many more times when I feel completely exhilarated. Like yesterday, Shawn, my co-site coordinator next year and the current site coordinator for the West Philly office, sent me the monthly report from May along with some updates on what the office has been doing. I was reading through those nine pages like it was the next great american novel. And every part of it, the statisctics on client services, the analysis of client to volunteer meetings, the numbers, everything made me so excited to work with this organization.It made me brain go off in a million different directions of how to work with the clients, where to find board members, how to provide apprproriate leadership development for our volunteers.
I don't want to stop this train, who knows what's at the next station. I don't, but I want to find out.
Song: Don't Stop this Train by John Mayer
Quote: Behind all this, some great happiness is hiding. Yehuda Amichai
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