I had such a huge moment of self awareness last night during a meeting.
Sometimes I should be humble, but sometimes I need to step up and lead. I have a very participative style to leading which I think is really important but there are distinct times when I have a vision and people want to follow not necessarily give input input input. In those times I need to be willing to say, here it is what do you think, these are the roles I see all of us playing.
I find it difficult to lead anybody on anything. It isn't a role I would choose but sometimes you find yourself standing somewhere and you turn around and there are a line of people looking for you. I like circles more than lines. With our student leadership team I have found that things go much easier when you ask questions to faciliate thier inner dialogue as opposed to assuming that the right answer is on the tip of your tongue. But at the same time I do have a valuable perspective that I should contribute.
This may all be very confusing but the bottom line is balance. Balancing all of these different roles and perspectives and intentions. Hmm....
In all affairs it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on things you have long taken for granted.
Bertrand Russell
The first people had questions and they were free. The second people had answers and they were forever enslaved.
Native American saying
And Now?
14 years ago